Why Writers Make Me Smile

Have any of you ever seen the movie Julie & Julia? There's a line that Julie Powell says, portrayed by actress Amy Adams that hits me. "I feel as if I'm just sending these out into a giant black void," or so it says, I can't remember exactly.

It hit me pretty deeply. I think that deep down, all of us reach a point where we just want to do something meaningful for ourselves. From something small, like learning how to master the art of French cooking within a year or something big like finishing college and getting that degree or doing things you would never ordinarily do.

For me by the way? It was joining the air force. Thank you Technical Sergeant Baker and Technical Sergeant Bush. Every time I think I'm not doing well or not feeling life supporting me, I imagine what it is like to tell you that you guys, as my instructors, supporters and mentors, that I'm doing well. And I haven't forgotten about brave people like you.

Anyway, writers in general have a lot to say. Bloggers, editors or authors of articles, and other novelists such as myself. Words in a book speaks on so many levels for readers and people who just want stories of... in my opinion, hope.

So thank you J.K. Rowling for giving us a beautiful magical world. It has spread hundreds of smiles on my friends and given me the inspiration to create a large cast of characters that I hope one day will be loved and famous as Harry Potter and his friends.

Thank you Julia Child for teaching my grandmother how to cook. Thank you Julie Powell for helping me realize that without writing and taking on challenges for myself, this blog probably might not have happened. (This blog idea was my mother's idea just as it was your husband's to blog about cooking. I guess family does have a special way of motivating you.)

Thank you to all the people that I've met whenever I go out on my days off who wished me luck in my endeavor to continue writing. Seriously, everytime I read or hear about someone who wants to write, they have my full attention and support. Like snap! Then I'm there saying, "Just do it!" like Shia Labeouf. Thanks Shia for all the great childhood moments in your films.

Alternatively, my friend Josh does a great Emperor Palpatine. So he just says, in his voice, "Do it."

Thank you Star Wars. Ha ha.


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