The Update

Hi everyone, I am not dead.

Just the basic F.Y.I. at the moment.

Things have gotten hectic and kept me busy. But I have great news. I celebrate my completion of college with a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice.

I feel like Mako or Chief Beifong.

In the meantime, the books have continued in my mind and the stories are never ending. I promise all of you that.

Right now, we are going into the next phase. Copy/editing. Yeah. I'm spending my time right now... reading my book to a good friend of mine and I am shocked and cringing at all the mistakes I allowed to be published.

Sometimes, there's a period missing at the end of a sentence of a paragraph. Thankfully, there are no missing commas or periods I've seen in the middle of paragraphs... so far. But the worst mistakes are added words that Microsoft failed to detect. Like they are apparently able to make it into the final draft, avoid eagle eyed editors and then bam, I look really stupid.

Oh well, that's what this is for. Revision time.


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